Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A side of Irritation, and a glass of Cliché, please.

I believe the tone of this web log has been set nicely, and I have had a bit of work since the last post. There are many injustices, or at the very least, habits about society that annoy and anger me deeply. Allow me to please present one of them.

Dr. Hannibal Lecter was once reported as having said that he would prefer to eat the rude. After dealing with certain people in exacting situations, I can understand the sentiment. Jean-Paul Sartre once said "Hell is other people." After simply observing how humanity interacts at times, I can see the motivation in that remark. The fact of the matter, as I see it, is that everyone needs to calm down, communicate, and for the love of God, remember what the word "respect" fucking means.

I'm never going to claim that I am perfect, nor will I claim that I know what's best. But honestly, would it hurt anyone to take the extra 0.5 seconds to say "Please", "Thanks" and fucking mean it?

Here's a situation with which I'm all too familiar, a nice example. Everybody is running around, and everybody needs somebody else to get something done. Do we cohere as a team? Do we realize that we each have our own work to do as well as get something done for somebody else? Not a chance. We shout what we need at someone, and expect it to come to fruition exactly after that shout. Not "I need five of these, please" or "As soon as you can, could you help me with _____?" No. It's everyone barking at each other, implying like their situation is the most important to grace the goddamn globe. Everyone is isolated on their own pedestals, professing their needs to be met by the underlings (or in the case of this metaphor, across to another pedestal). Disgusting.

Just the way we interact in American society is cold like that. People can scuffle over a bumped shoulder. Ladies yell their brains out at a barista who is simply trying to make it through the rush with accuracy and precision. Guys give hell to telemarketers, like cold-calling people for a job isn't tough enough. I think the worst way I've heard it put is "You have to earn my respect, I don't just give it away." Deplorable. 

Granted, my previous post was welling with hate and disrespect. It even may have been closed- minded and classist. But a core tenant of my being is to meet everyone with a smile and a chance. I shake your hand assuming that you already work harder than me. How hard can that be? I still say "please" to everyone I can and “thank you” at every turn when relying on someone. And for fuck's sake, I leave a tip whenever I can. It’s their time as much as it is mine.

The next time you have someone on your ass to get something done, don't be afraid to request a bit of courtesy. The next time your bartender is clearly slammed, order something simply, politely, and thank them when you get it. You’re going to get it anyway, why not just take a few seconds, go an extra step, and respect the people around you? Or do you not work hard enough to know what “respect” is?


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