Sunday, September 19, 2010

3 Yaaaaars Old

Yar, we done it again! This old computer box, Ozymandias as I like to call 'im, has carried me shivered gaming timbers for another year of joy! On me journey though these fantastical lands, I been watchin' me rig wear asunder from the weight o' the journey. There be bigger and more pert sails, taller masts, and sharper looking glasses to be had for it.

In me plunders of me particular professional persuasion, I done found meself with some booty to fritter off. I found a pair of looking glasses, bigger and clearer than any me ghost has seen afore. When paired together, they work like a devil's plaything, and I can nearly past th' horizon. This binocular contraption was more a matter of a stitch in time, rather than any sort of reward to me or me rig.

The idea be to maintain a steady speed among the other cutters, so as not to be left behind in the wake of me hunters. I daresay I've for now. Happy Launchday, Ozymandias! Let's point this hull hard ahead and keep the wind astern us!!!


Translation: I bought new video cards, in celebration of another year of having this computer, and in an effort to maintain a bead on the cutting edge. Yay!

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