Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ridiculously Behind

Have you ever noticed how time seems to go faster when it's the last thing you want/need it to do? For example, you have 12 years worth of work to do, and 15 minutes in which to do it. You sneeze, and then you're late, running behind and doing everything on the fly. I feel like that lately. My weblog is sadly suffering for the time being because of this fact.

They say if you're early to bed, early to rise, it'll make you healthy, wealthy, and wise. Late to sleep, late to wake, makes a man hard to break I think. Harder circumstances has tried to bring me down, and the fact of the matter is I just won't freaking let it. I have too much work to do.

I'm not to proud to turn down help on anything when it's offered. Not anymore. I have very little experience soliciting help though. That stated, well, I'll just follow my usual form and blurt it out.
Following is a small list of projects which with I could use some assistance:
  • Zombie Walk, scheduled for October 23rd.
  • Reclamation of my living area, sooner than later.
  • Destruction of my alcohol collection, as soon as possible.
  • Undisclosed dream car project, before oil runs out.
  • Instrument practice, whenever possible.
  • Video gameage, whenever possible.
  • Work tomorrow, Too soon.
Yeah, I may be biting off more than I can chew.



  1. What can I do for zombie walk? Where are we on the philanthropy side of things?

  2. We need some help making sure the police know about us and that they won't shoot us or give us tickets for rally-ing w/o a permit. Also, Zombie Squad is filming a vid for Dragon Con this year, if you want to be in it, they start filming July 31st.

  3. Has no one called dibs on helping out with #3 yet?

  4. I can help with #5. We can JAM!
