Saturday, September 25, 2010

Musical Rememberances

Have you ever been walking along down the street or driving in your car, when a certain song came on the radio or your iPod, and you're transported, almost like déjà vu, to a time when you most intensely heard said song? The smell in the air, the lighting, hell, even what you were eating can come into mind.

I love that feeling most of the time. Songs elicit certain emotions and memories in me, and they verify the places I've been in my life, the more outstanding experiences I've had. I have a mix CD that I made for the maiden voyage of Aschenputtel, and it reminds me fondly of the winter where I got to know her. Emilie Autumn's Opheliac takes me back to the slower, less stressful times of last winter. There are also the songs that take me back to darker times, and rougher emotions. They are just as cherished, strangely.

It's a small thing, a little pleasure in life. To have a memory attached to anything so solidly gives me hope for when the ravages of Alzheimer's eventually comes to destroy my mind. Is there anything like that for you? Feel free to please post it in the comments.


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