Sunday, April 25, 2010

Zombie Walk!

So, a couple of weeks before Halloween last year, I heard of the concept of a Zombie Walk. It's like a flash mob, only instead of everyone just showing up, everyone shows up as zombies. They lurch about town, stopping traffic and generally making unaware citizens give weird looks.

Having no idea how to coordinate a flash mob, and given that the time frame was so small, I did nothing about my desire to actually participate in one. I perused the web and found that there were couple of really good ones that occurred in St. Louis and a couple of other cities. It sounded fun.

I think the idea of a flash mob is to simply show up with approximately NO warning, thus planning a flash mob is a little counter-intuitive. Nevertheless, I have decided that by the time Halloween rolls around this year, I will have organized and conducted a successful Zombie Walk.

There are a lot of fun variations off of which you can play. People running away, being caught up, horded by zombies and coming up as an infected. You could get zombie hunters, even dress up your dog. We could even try and play up some publicity, maybe litter flyers to a certain charity, or simply raise zombie awareness. There are so many options and things to plan, which is why I've started now.

The tentative date is October 23rd, and we're thinking somewhere in the University City Loop. More details are certain to follow. Here's the Facebook link.



Friday, April 23, 2010


Yet another Rammstein Video! Haifisch! Another ecstatic review! Commence!

Of course, you'll need to see it. Here is a link, but depending on the country in which you reside, you may not be able to see it. Partial world banning. Fun! (Side note: It is odd that they used Myspace. Maybe it's still big outside of the US.)

The song, which reminds me a bit of earlier The Clash, is itself based loosely on a verse of the song Die Moritat von Mackie Messer, known more commonly as Mack the Knife. Instead of having teeth, the shark has tears, which seems to imply that even monster-ish murder machines can have sensitive feelings. The actual verses to the song tell a story of solidarity and fellowship among the band mates. Keeping that in mind, we turn to the video.

This is another Rammstein video which tells a story, rather than an abstract collection of scenes or 0f them simply playing their respective instruments. In it, Till Lindemann, the vocalist, has apparently died. As the video progresses, we learn of opportunities each band member has had to murder him, or ways they actually did murder him. It's a little unclear. The average Rammstein fan will notice that these murder scenes are from previous Rammstein videos. Without Till, the band starts to fall apart and hate each other. It's actually quite arrogant and aggrandizing, but I love it all the same.

Of course, it's not Rammstein without something disturbing and/or wrong in the video. There's enough of that to garner attention, but what grabbed my eye a couple of times were Rammstein's winks at other popular metal acts. Marilyn Manson is in attendance at the funeral, and James Hetfield of Metallica sent a postcard or something.

Summarily, it's an engrossing video, and it takes a few views to try and get all of it. The hate that surfaces at the death of a friend is an actual reaction that has occurred at funerals, I understand. Watch the video, and then for fun, watch all the others, and see if you can figure out from which the reworked scenes came!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Through the Fire and the Flames

It's a little odd, the way some jobs can affect one's psyche and confidence. First off, I wish to call to mind a specific scene from the movie Go. In said scene, a father is stitching a bullet wound up on his son, talking about how there are no real promotions in life any longer. What simply occurs is the man ahead of another man fails at his job, and the other man moves up to replace the previous man's incompetence. This seems to be the way of his world, my question however, it what if something similar to the reverse happens?

What if a man can move up the ladder in skill and ability, but the replacement for his former position is not as enthusiastic or competent at the job as the man he is replacing? Does it speak poorly on the training abilities of the the ladder-climber? Does it reflect the difficulty of the job on new man? Should the person who moved up, move back down, and restart the whole process? Or should he maintain his new position, proud of the progress he's made, cast to naught the duties he once considered so important? Is it a prideful move, or one of quiet dignity?

I don't think I would make a very good boss. I would get bogged down thinking about this and the feelings of employees, instead of just bossing them around, which is what bosses are paid to do.

Well aware of the danger of his words,


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I fucking hate pollen. Here I am, saving money by opening my window instead of turning on my damn air conditioner. Then here's some beautiful-ass tree outside of my window, spraying pollen all over my room and things. Yellow dust, everywhere.

Now, I realize that I could simply close my windows, turn on my air-conditioner, be happy and quit complaining, but this shit was EVERYWHERE!!! From my keyboard to my TV, a fine gold powder which wasn't gold powder.

It's not like I can get revenge either. I can't reverse the situation, go outside and spray my genetic material all over this tree. It'll be exhausting in the first place, secondly I'll get hurt (probably.) Lastly, well, I'll probably get one of those little blue squares put over my home on an online map.

Why can't we arrest trees for being sexual offenders?


Thursday, April 1, 2010

April 1

OMG! I ws txting 2 my bff Walt dat i m goin to quit my bl0g cuz it takes 2 much tyme! Latez!
