Friday, December 31, 2010


While I had intended to be a a big party during the post, illness has dictated otherwise (Get well soon!) Thus, My plans for this post have been stymied just a bit, but it's still functional. My goal was to get a multi-person post, with each individual person leaving behind their total sentiment for 2010. A tiny party has converged at Dr. Girlfriend's house, and as the ball drops, this is what each person had to say!

Dr. Girlfriend
An awesome year full of some awesome achievements for me!


I got my master's and passed a cpa exam


lolwat? theo gave this to me while l iwas drunk. i like turtles. rawk.

Thank god I made it through again.

Well. That was a little less than spectacular. But still, it's a little like a message to your future self. Enjoy!

Happy New Year!!!


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I know I shouldn't use just that term, because despite it's pagan origins, it's a theocentric salutation. Oh well. It's that time of year yet again, and this time it snowed! I had a marvelous Christmas, and everyone loved their gifts. My father especially loved his. It sparked precisely the kind of fire I wanted to spark in him.

Dr. Girlfriend made off like a bandit this year. Small gifts, big gifts, she loved them all. I made off quite well as well. I got my hat, some artwork, and a battery charger, in addition to many fine garments. It's been a a good year. Dinner was good, and the company better

I want to wish all of my friends, relatives and loved ones a Merry Christmas. In trying times I have everything I wanted for Christmas. A strong, loyal and enjoyable network.

Merry Christmas!


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Economic Stimulation

I think I am finished with all my christmas shopping, finally. I even got them them all wrapped. My father's gift is going to just magnificent, I hope. Everything has arrived, and it's all in good shape. It's exciting for a different reason this time around.

I have actually taken a big liking to the emotional content of the holiday. To give a gift, and either see the reaction of the recipient, or to receive a hertfelt thanks. With all the thinking, shopping, and preparation work I put into this Christmas, I'm going to walk away with exactly what I wanted. Friendship and warmth. Aaawwwww.

Oh. And a new hat. I want a new hat.

Merry Christmas!


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Kaitlyn Valerie

Congratulations to my best friend Walter Mickey, who just had a little baby girl. Well, he and his wife did. She did the hard part. Kaitlyn Valerie Mickey, December 18th. Again, Congratulations!

By Walt's permission, I get to be crazy Uncle The0! Buying weird toys and putting her in unwitting control of small experiments.



Thursday, December 16, 2010

Smooth move

God Damn motherfucking shit wad piss damn. Smooth as ice. That's usually how I'm able to drive. I'm experienced on nearly every surface. i am the only person I know to spin out in rush hour traffic on 64/40, in a blizzard, with old tires, and drive away with nothing more than a dent in the bumper. I can steer my damn bullet, but I know when to take it slow. This weather merited early braking and slower turns. It's a fun condition in which to drive.

Something was different tonight. As I pulled into a friends driveway, my brakes locked on his icy driveway, at fewer than 5 miles per hour. I sadly found my bumper and his garage doorway kissing a few short moments later. Stupid slick-ass driveway. The door still functions, but it is dented. I'll pay for it, I'm sure, at the very least, his deductible.



Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Economic Orgasm

Oh boy! Christmas Shopping!!! It happens again!! I was able to maintain a fund for purchasing gifts, and this time around I have slightly more money to spend on friends and loved ones than I did last year! Dr. Girlfriend has, of course, had the most care taken of her, but there are a few tricky people this year. My father is one. He is stable, has everything he can need, buys what we wants (which is very little), and is deserving of more than a throwaway tie. My only plan is to try and pique at his nostalgia.

A huge portion of my shopping is already done. All I had to do was think of what I thought would be cool to have, and then gift those items to the appropriate friends. This Christmas came mostly from, and I'm taking the Woot approach to the gifting process. You spent nothing, you get something cool. Remember this one sentiment, as a courtesy not only to me, but for all the disappointing gifts you're bound to receive eventually.

If you don't get the crap you want, want the crap you get!


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Zwölf, Elf, Zehn

Today is the day, December Eleventh, 2010. Rammstein's first concert on US soil in 9 years. I'm really hurting that I can't go. While it may be a temporary sentiment (unlikely), work is a ridiculous alternative to attending a seminal show. I won't be able to stop thinking about it.

Twelve Eleven 'Ten. Today at work I'll be anxiously watching the clock, trying to figure out what I could have been doing instead. Waiting in line, getting lost on my way from the airport, freezing under the magnificent fire display, and singing myself hoarse to the industrial tones.

I really hope this ends out being worth it. The issue is that no one at my place of work really likes or even understands the appeal of Rammstein. My obsession, my fandom, is dismissed as fancy and childishness. One of my few calming thoughts going through this day is knowing that in the "Many Worlds" interpretation of quantum theory, there is a reality where I have indeed gone to the show, maybe even been pulled on stage. Of course, by that logic, there is a universe where I'm not even a fan, hell, not even alive. It's a conundrum. I'll just keep at the issue at hand.

Rock On Rammstein!
