Sunday, February 28, 2010

Rammstein & Amerika: Cold Shoulders

So, in my post regarding Rammstein's latest video, I related what it was like to see my beloved Rammstein live. A total joy, of course. The images still burn in my brain, their Mutter world tour. But the sad fact is that was very nearly nine years ago. I'm beginning to fear I'll never be able to afford to see them again.

Why? Because for some reason which I cannot understand, they haven't visited America since then. I might say it's political, or something wrong with their fan base. The simple fact remains that unless I pony up the cash for a trans-Atlantic trip and concert ticket, I might never get to see them live again. Long lost would be the days of smoke, fire, tinnitus, and strange fluids.

There may be a bit of hope on the horizon though. They have a Facebook fan page, which I have of course joined. This fan page endorses yet another fan page. One of those "If 1 million people join, then..." pages that rarely seem to work. Still, it IS the endorsed page, and a man can dream. Won't you help us? Won't you help yourself?


1 comment:

  1. You'll just have to wait 4 more years until we go to Germany, and you'll have to hope and pray their old asses are still touring.
