Saturday, March 6, 2010

Money is made of cotton, not trees.

Being flat-ass broke can really suck. Not having the cash to make ends meet is one thing, and with good willpower, it can be mostly avoided. But add in your randomly generated hardships and fines (I think they're called "Adulthood") and you get to a point where you have nowhere to turn.

This is a test of of your ability to dodge, I believe. While you're working up the funds to pay off various authorities and your own misaligned debts, you must learn how to stay out of their contact. When they start sending you the angry letters, that when you call them, and spin your regular bullshit. Next stage is the higher class bullshit. Once you get close enough to the end of the line, usually you can come clean, and at least bargain a very small initial payment.

This is all very bad practice. The good thing to to is to keep a very solid track of your current balance, and try to foresee the payments you will have to pay. One could try keeping a handy cushion of cash about for those little emergencies. But goddamn, if I had that kind of cash lying around, I wouldn't be bitching about not having any.

The hurdles were cleared with some significant help from loved ones. But still, it's a big forest.

Not accepting donations,


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